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Closing Remarks

This isn’t a study to prove whether or not online friendships or better than offline/real-life ones. And, it isn’t a study that shows the monolithic Internet friend experience.

This project shows a glimpse of how people experience online friendships and how they vary in depth and experience.

To answer the question, "Can people make quality friendships online?", +Friend shows that it is possible to make quality online friendships. Although high degrees of quality cannot be guaranteed for every relationship, out of 327 participants, there was a ~50% strong agreement and ~30% agreement with the statements measuring friendship quality. 

The number of responses was overwhelming, and it was interesting and surprising to read each answer, especially from the "How has your friendship with your closest online friend made an impact on your life?"

I can admit that there were flaws making this survey. As a disclaimer, I’m not a social science major. I’m a creative media major who was curious about how people were making and maintaining friendships online during a time where face-to-face contact is limited and most interactions are handled virtually. 


I appreciate everyone who participated in this survey and provided assistance with this project. 

Thank you for reading. 

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