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General Section Results

This section contains standard information about the participants' online friendship habits and attitudes. It includes items such as their age, usual places where they meet online friends, their comfortability with calling online friends "friends," and important aspects only their online friends and offline friends can provide.


How old are you?

Age Pie Chart.png


In general, do you feel comfortable calling your online friends “friends” (meaning there is no distinction between online or offline)?

General %22Friend%22 Pie Chart.png


Where do you usually meet online friends?

This question was open-ended. To view all the responses, click the button below.

Important Aspects of Online Friends

What important aspects do your online friends provide that your offline friends do not?

This question was open-ended. To view all the responses, click the button below.

Important Aspects of Offline Friends

What important aspects do your offline friends provide that your online friends do not?

This question was open-ended. To view all the responses, click the button below.

+Friend Survey Results

To view the spreadsheet of all the responses from the +Friend survey, click the button below.

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