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A total of 327 responses were collected from the +Friend survey. 


For convenience, the results were divided into three sections: General, Closest Online Friend, and Friendship Quality.


The General section contains standard information about the participants' online friendship habits and attitudes. It includes items such as their age, usual places where they meet online friends, their comfortability with calling online friends "friends," and important aspects only their online friends provide.


The Closest Online Friend section includes participants’ experiences with their closest online friend(s). It includes items such as where they met their closest online friend, the length of their friendship, the frequency of their communication, the personal impact of their friendship, the ways they maintain their friendship, and real-life meeting circumstances. 


The Friendship Quality section contains information about the quality of the participants’ friendship with their closest online friend(s). It uses quality factors such as closeness, safety, acceptance, help, intimacy, stimulating companionship, and reliable alliance. 

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General Overview

Closest Online Friend

Friendship Quality

+Friend Survey Results

To view the spreadsheet of all the responses from the +Friend survey, click the button below.

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