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How do you and _____ maintain your friendship? If you are no longer in contact with _____, how did you used to maintain your friendship with _____?

Participants answered this question with the name of their closest online friend(s) in mind. 

To view the spreadsheet of all the responses from the +Friend survey, click the button below.

We speak via facebook messenger and Steam most days, and have historically played a lot of other video games too.

We used to talk every single day (mostly over Skype instant messaging), and sometimes played video games together. We actually ended up going to college together (long story), so we ended up becoming real life friends for a while, which was an interesting transition. She was somewhat different in person than online, quieter and a bit awkward. I tended to feel like there were awkward silences in person that I hadn't anticipated. Now we're back to being internet friends again (now over Discord messaging), and we're not quite as close as we once were, which I attribute to my distancing from the fandoms we met in, and eventually leaving Tumblr completely. We still talk a few times a week. I don't feel like we have as much in common anymore as we once did, but I still think of her as an important person to me.

We talk about shared interests on discord. Most conversations are in a group chat (semi-public) instead of DM.

We text and follow each other on social media

We talk on Telegram almost every day, we have a project that we are working on together, we go photographing together.

Talk about our interests and whatever is happening at the moment

It's sometimes hard, but we tend to do (or try to) activities online, for example streaming films, playing videogames together, etc.

We chat mainly over Discord, but we also dm each other often on Tumblr

Became in person friends, dated, and married

We talk on discord

Spent a high amount of time together weekly becoming friends, then shifted to maintenance through gaming activities together, meetups, voice chat, and text chat.

We talk on Discord and play Stardew Valley and RimWorld together.


Snapchat and discord

We’re in several Discord servers together and take part in general conversation, events, music sessions and the occasional vc

In general I consider adding someone on Facebook solidifies the friendship both online and offline

Discord, texting

talking every day through internet dms and texting

we share many mutual friends with my own friends irl and we still make effort to talk to each other

Talked on Slack and later Discord constantly (before moving in together).

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