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Survey Question

The +Friend Survey contained the following 25 questions:

  1. How old are you?

  2. Where do you usually meet online friends?

  3. In general, do you feel comfortable calling your online friends “friends” (meaning there is no distinction between online or offline)?

  4. What important aspects do your online friends provide that your offline friends do not?

  5. What important aspects do your offline friends provide that your online friends do not?

  6. Where did you meet _____?

  7. How long have you known _____?

  8. How much do you talk to _____ weekly?

  9. How do you and _____ maintain your friendship? If you are no longer in contact with _____, how did you used to maintain your friendship with _____?

  10. How has your friendship with _____ made an impact on your life?

  11. Have you met _____? If not, do you have any intention of doing so?

  12. I care about _____.

  13. I feel comfortable calling _____ a friend (no distinction between online or offline).

  14. I trust _____. 

  15. I know _____ personally well. 

  16. I feel close to _____. 

  17. I feel accepted by _____. 

  18. I am happy with my friendship with _____. 

  19. I want to stay friends with _____ for a long time. 

  20. I would still want to stay friends with _____ even if we argued. 

  21. I can talk to _____ about private things. 

  22. _____ and I help each other when we need it. 

  23. _____ is exciting to be with. 

  24. Would you like to share any additional information that would give better insight to this study and/or context to your answers?

  25. Would you like to receive an update on when the survey will be published?

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